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Year 6

Hello Year 6, it's so good to have you back. I hope you had an amazing summer and I can't wait to hear what you've all been up to, I'm sure we'll fit some learning in too! Don't forget that we have a themed curriculum starting with our Geography and Science based EXPLORE theme. Spring term will be our history based DISCOVER term and we will finish with our arty CREATE term in summer.

In our Geography lessons we will be learning all about 'Natural Disasters' and attempting to answer our enquiry question: "Are we safer than the dinosaurs?" We will be using maps and atlases to identify the locations of historical natural disasters such as Pompeii. We will then be looking at the causes of natural disasters and what we can do to protect ourselves from them. Through this study we will also be impriving our locational knowledge and our use of geographical terms and skills

In Science, our second half term will be about evolution and inheritance. The first half term will see us looking closely at human biology and the  systems within the body with a particular focus on the circulatory system.

Maths and English will be taking place on a daily basis to focus on the children's core skills which can be applied across the curriculum. We will be revisiting wonderful book called 'Varjak Paw' in English which will develop the children's literacy skills and knowledge as well as helping to develop their awareness of Year 6 expectations for writing. I will be using both Herts Essentials and White Rose to plan our maths lessons and give the children a firm grasp of the Year 6 maths curriculum through discrete skills, fun activities and plenty of SATS practise.

Our Computing lessons in this term will be focused on computing systems and networks in the first half and web page creation in the second. PSHE will focus on families and relationships in the first half term and health and wellbeing in the second. These lessons will alternate with RE where we will be comparing and contrasting the beliefs and practices of Christianity and Buddhism. We will have two hours of PE each week with one hour taught by Matt and the other by myself using the fantastic 'Get Set 4 PE' scheme of work.

Click on the links below to see the curriculum maps and knowledge organisers for each subject as well as useful photos and videos that can support your child's progress. Obviously many of you will already be thinking about the school journey and SATS to please have a look at the separate sub pages for more inormation and tips.

