Thursday 25th June 2020
Thursday 25th June 2020
Good morning! I know Mrs B managed to speak to lots of you yesterday and today I will be speaking to the children I haven’t spoken to already, so listen out for the phone.
If you are coming back to school, please check MM to check what day you will be coming. We are very excited and have been getting everything ready for you. You will have your own table and resources in a tray on your desk. On arrival at the school gate on Welwyn road at 9:15 (you must arrive between 9:15 and 9:30) we will give you some hand sanitiser and then you will wash your hands when you get into class. There will be lots of hand washing (which I’m sure you will be used to by now) and we will social distance. We really wish we could hug you all, but it’s just not safe at the moment
If you are staying at home, that’s ok and don’t worry as we are still only an email or phone call away so let us know if you need anything and we can sort that out.
I think this is the last blog I will be writing and actually, I feel a little bit sad. It’s been a strange chapter in our lives and certainly one we will never forget. One thing I will always remember is all of you. Even though we have been apart, we have been in this together!
Love Mrs C x