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Friday 12th June 2020

Friday 12th June 2020

It was so great to see you at our Zoom yesterday, I loved that game it was very amusing. Can’t wait for the next one.

You might like to have a look at Newsround today. There is a special programme all about fairness, protest and people coming together to reject racism. We looked at racism last year in Year 2 when we talked about important historical figures such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela who fought for change and equality. You might like to watch these videos to remind yourself.

Sadly, there is still racism in the world today and most recently, a man has died in America.

Ask your mum and dad to answer any questions you may have, because we must help stop this and begin to ‘be the change.’

Please look at this book list #BlackLivesMatter

You’re all amazing and I miss you!

Mrs C x
