How we support children with SEND at Hollybush
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. Our provision is 'needs-led', meaning we give each child what they need to be able to enjoy their time at school, and to make good progress.
We understand that all children learn differently. We know that our children are neuro-diverse and so have established an ethos across the school where all of our children know that our strengths are in our differences, not in our similarities.
We believe in equity in education. Giving each child what they need (equity), rather than treating all children the same (equality).
'Pupils who are disadvantaged and those with SEND make effective progress. They receive appropriate support and make progress in line with their peers. Some catch up and exceed their peers.'
'When pupils are falling behind they are supported to improve their learning by receiving additional support. This is particularly effective for pupils with SEND. These pupils make effective progress because the adults supporting them are aware of their specific needs and abilities. Plans for improvement for these pupils are precise and time limited so staff are clear what needs to be achieved and by when.'
Ofsted, 2019
On this page you will be able to read our policies relating to SEND and inclusion; find out about our support offer, and find helpful resources and information.
If you have a child with additional needs, we welcome you to arrange a visit to our school, or feel free to contact our SENCO at