September information
Hello! We are very much looking forward to meeting you and your child next week!
Here are just a few small reminders:
Drop off time is between 8:30am and 8:45am, both at the main gates on Fordwich Rise. Pick up time is between 2:30pm and 2:45pm, also from the same gates.
Please can you make sure that every piece of clothing, as well as anything else your child may need such as their water bottle, lunch box and book bag is clearly labelled with their name. Please can your child bring a named set of spare clothes, including underwear, which can be kept in school in case of any accidents.
Children do not need to bring their PE kit to school with them. We are asking that on a Friday, children come to school dressed in PE kit for the whole day.
Our first few weeks will be spent really getting to know your child and settling them into their new classroom and new routines. Most importantly, we will make sure your child has the happiest start to the school year as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to us on the gate or email us at
See you soon!
Miss White and Mrs Quinton x