Monday 4th May 2020
Monday 4th May 2020
Good Morning Year 3!
It was great to see so many of you on Friday at our Zoom Quiz. I hope you had a lovely relaxing weekend and managed to get outside, since the weather has (slightly) improved!
This is the link for Elevenses, where you can listen to David Walliams tell some of his stories. He is currently reading ‘Fing.’ I know some of you were asking where you could find it. It’s also underneath this blog.
This week we have lots of super science fun for you, so have a good look at all the challenges and see what you fancy doing.
On 8th of May it is the 75th anniversary of VE day. This means it will be 75 years since the first VE day. VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day. The day marks the end of Second World War. On this day, people remember everyone who lived during the war and think of the soldiers who fought for our county, many of whom lost their lives. During the first ever VE day, London was very busy, people wore red, white and blue clothes and had street parties, where they shared food and put up bunting. Many people waited outside Buckingham Palace to see the King and people listened to the Prime Minister on the radio (or wireless as it was known then.) We have set you a challenge related to VE day and also there are also some printable activities on the grid. I hope you take this opportunity to share your knowledge of WW2 and learn some more about how people celebrated the very first VE day in May 1945. There are some more resources and information here.
This week I have enjoyed reading a wonderful book called ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy. This book about friendship, kindness and self-esteem, has become my new favourite book. The illustrations and the words are so simple yet so meaningful, especially during this time. I have shared an image from the author at the top of our class page and I’ll share another one of my favourites, below.
This week you should try to learn our section for the whole school project of A Million Dreams Makaton Video. The details are below. Only one person from Year 3 has sent an entry so far, so we would love more of you to take part. The whole school are learning a section each and we will put it together for us all to watch. Send your entry to
The spellings for this week are:
Year 3/4- accident, actual, although, appear, breath, breathe, calendar, caught, century, complete
Year1/2- could, should, would, plant, path, bath, Mr, Mrs
Have a great day and don’t forget to send an email at as we would love to hear from you.
Mrs C x