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Thursday 2nd April

Thursday 2nd April 2020


Dear Year 3,


Thank you for all your gorgeous poems you have sent in, they are amazing and I know the NHS staff will be so thankful. If you know anyone who works for the NHS make sure you send it to them, you will make their day!




Don't forget to do your times tables test tomorrow and send us your result, Mrs B will tell you if you're ready to move on.


I also have another request; a nurse at Watford General Hospital has asked if children in Hertfordshire would write letters to their nurses and medical staff at the hospital. They have asked that the letters be a short message of inspiration and thanks to keep the staff going as they care for the poorly people. Watford Football Club have offered to make a display of the letters received. Maybe you could type your poems; they would be perfect to send. You could email them directly to (do send them to us too, we would love to read them.)


I hope you are enjoying The Boy at the Back of the Class, I am on chapter 23 at home, so I’ve nearly finished it but I’m enjoying reading it again to you.


Take care, all of you.


Mrs C x
