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Daily Blog by Mrs C and Mrs B

The Last Three Weeks

So here we are, the last three weeks of the Summer term! I am not sure how we got here, but we have finally made it. What a strange adventure this has been! From the week beginning, 29th June some of you will be coming back to school for 2 days a week and some of you will still be staying at home.

I will be having some of you in my bubble on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Botterman will be having some of you in her bubble on Thursday and Friday. We have sorted out the classroom, and like I told you on the phone, you have your own tray of resources and the tables are set out so you have your own space to keep you safe. We will have lots of outside time and our very own areas so we don’t mix with other bubbles.

In the morning, our time to arrive at the Welwyn road gate is 9:15-9:30am but if you have a sibling arriving before this time, you can come when they arrive. Miss Crane will be there to welcome you on a Monday and Tuesday (because I have to drop my children at their school, but I’ll be there as soon as I can!) Your parent can collect you between 3:15pm and 3:30pm, but again, if they are collecting a sibling they can collect you earlier. The teachers will call each other from the gate to send a message to the classroom and an adult will walk you to the gate to meet your parent.

Things to remember:

  • Sun cream to be applied before school and you can bring some to reapply if necessary (please name your bottle)
  • Bring a named water bottle
  • Bring a healthy (nut free) snack for morning break
  • Bring a packed lunch (no nuts) if you are not having a school packed lunch.
  • You do not need to wear school uniform but you must wear clean clothes each day.

We cannot wait to see you and to teach you these last few weeks!

If your child is staying at home or if you would like some work for the days your child isn’t in school please take advantage of the lessons provide by the DfE at The National Oak Academy and BBC Bitesize which you will find in the online lesson section. You can also look through all our old home learning grids, which are found in the additional resources section for each week you were at home. I have also put lots of learning packs in the section marked The Last 3 Weeks. If you need anything printed, please let us know. Our email address at will still be active for all of you, whether you are at home or in school (we may just take a little longer to get back to you than previously). Please also use any of the previous links we have stated in our grids and blogs such as spelling frame and topmarks, which are both great websites.

Thank you for all your support during this time.

Mrs C and Mrs B x

Friday 26th June 2020

Well everybody, here is my final blog for the class page after all this time! For those of you who are staying at home we hope you continue to enjoy yourselves with your family and maybe do a little work! There are still lots of things that are available for you to do on all the home learning pages; you can even go to other class pages! Remember we are still here for you at school if you need to contact us! As for the rest of you, I have just one thing to say,



Thursday 25th June 2020

Good morning! I know Mrs B managed to speak to lots of you yesterday and today I will be speaking to the children I haven’t spoken to already, so listen out for the phone.

If you are coming back to school, please check MM to check what day you will be coming. We are very excited and have been getting everything ready for you. You will have your own table and resources in a tray on your desk. On arrival at the school gate on Welwyn road at 9:15 (you must arrive between 9:15 and 9:30) we will give you some hand sanitiser and then you will wash your hands when you get into class. There will be lots of hand washing (which I’m sure you will be used to by now) and we will social distance. We really wish we could hug you all, but it’s just not safe at the moment sad

If you are staying at home, that’s ok and don’t worry as we are still only an email or phone call away so let us know if you need anything and we can sort that out.

I think this is the last blog I will be writing and actually, I feel a little bit sad. It’s been a strange chapter in our lives and certainly one we will never forget. One thing I will always remember is all of you. Even though we have been apart, we have been in this together!

Love Mrs C x

Wednesday 24th June 2020

Hi there, well the time has finally come, we are going to see each other soon, I am so excited! I can't wait to find out what you have been up to over the last few months, and hear about all the funny things your home teachers did - especially the things they got wrong :) On a serious note, it would be a good idea to think about the things you want to do and talk about. We will be doing Maths and English daily but we feel PSHE and outdoor activities - especially for those children who don't have gardens - would be a good plan. For those who aren't coming back we completely understand and will miss you!

We will been attempting to have a chat on the phone this week. Mrs C and I will also be getting your classroom ready, as you know we have a few new rules to follow. It was strange that one of the rules was to bring your teacher a treat in on your first day back , and to be nice and quiet all day !!!! Only joking I actually can't wait to hear you all chattering and laughing!

Anyway, that's all from me and I will send you a short final blog on Friday, take care!

Mrs B x

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Dear Year 3,

I am sorting out our classroom today and getting everything ready for your return. We are so excited that so many of you are coming back. If you are not, that’s ok, it’s your choice and we understand and look forward to seeing you soon.

Don’t forget to get on spelling frame let me know how you get on near the end of the week!

Have a great day guys.

See you very soon.

Mrs C x

Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning Year 3!

This week is set to be a scorcher, so get that sun cream on and get outside! After you have done some learning from the new home learning grid of course! This will be the last one like this, as we are opening school for the last 3 weeks of term so you have the opportunity to come back if you would like to.  If you are going to be staying at home, don’t worry as I will be leaving some links to websites and resources so you can pick some work from there. I’m afraid there will not be a zoom this week as we will be very busy preparing school and making it safe for your return. However, we are still going to be calling you this week. So listen out for us!   

Mrs Botterman and I are so excited that some of you will be coming back.

Enjoy your day.

See you REALLY soon.

Mrs C x

Friday 19th June 2020

Hi all, goodness me it certainly has been raining a lot, it's definitely made up for not raining over the past few weeks. I hope you have checked your plants as the weight of the rain drops may snap the branches - make sure the main branch is attached to a stick. I was worried that Mrs Quacknell might get soaked up in her little nest but like my husband reminded me - she's a duck, they love being wet :)

On Wednesday when I was in work with the key worker children, we were writing a rap about social distancing, it was on Mr Chandler's learning grid but we all joined in (key stage 2 children). You should try writing one, we laughed so much trying to find words that rhymed and say it in the style it deserves. Davis Best made us laugh endlessly - I don't think he's going to be a rapper when he grows up!! What a great learning session that was!!

I hope you have attempted to make a Father's Day card as it is this Sunday. Remember things are much more meaningful if they are made by you and the words are chosen by you. Some of your Dad's have been great teachers over the past few months so they deserve a treat on Sunday. We are hopefully having a BBQ if it doesn't rain!! We will make it a special day whatever!

Have a lovely weekend, I can't wait to hear about what you got up to,

Mrs B x

Thursday 18th June 2020

Hi Year 3,

If you have looked at the grid, you will know that these are your spelling words this week:









Please play the games and do the test after, it is a different way to learn them (maybe it’s more fun than in class…) let me know how you get on!

This week we have also given you a link to some maths lessons, did you try them? What did you think?

I haven’t received any videos of anyone reading a story yet, do send them in, I haven’t heard you read in a long time and we would love to hear how you are getting on!

Can’t wait to see you on Zoom today at 3:30pm!
