Please try to make sure you are working on the non-negotiables every day whilst you are at home. These include common exception words, reading, numbers/timestables, physical activity and Newsround.
Common Exception Words
Children must learn to read and write all of these words by the end of Year 1. At this point in the year children should be able to read and write most of Year 1 words.
If your child can read and write the Year 1 words, they should begin to work on the Year 2 list below.
If you have read all of your books at home and would like to find some other texts to read, there are online books available to download and read for free.
Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars
Please let me know if your child can't remember their log in.
Physical activity
Try and do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
Here are some ideas:
Try to watch Newsround every day to find out news from around the world.
It is on the CBBC channel at 9:15am, 12:10pm and 4:00pm.
You can also watch it online here: