Class work
Rocket Paintings by Peter Thorpe
Websites about Jackson Pollock
Who is Jackson Pollock - Tate Kids
Jackson Pollock (Britannica Kids)
Famous Pollock paintings (Singulart)
Websites about Julian Opie
YouTube - Julian Opie | An Influential British Artist (NGV Melbourne)
Primary facts about Julian Opie
Digital animation of movement - Julian Opie
Science - click on the following links to find out about these famous scientists:
KS2 Science: The work of Nicolaus Copernicus
What is the solar system (scroll down to find some information about Copernicus)
Copernicus and Galileo – the movement of the Earth (signed)
Galileo Galilei
KS2 Science: The work of Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei facts for kids (Kiddle)
Biography for Kids: Galileo Galilei (Ducksters)