In History this half-term we are learning about 'How one person can change the world'. The person we have chosen to learn about is Neil Armstong.
Here are some useful websites about Neil and his life.
Explorers for Kids: Neil Armstong (Ducksters Education Site)
Neil Armstrong facts for Kids (National Geographic for Kids)
Neil Armstrong facts for Kids (Kiddle)
Here are some web pages about Roman mosaics:
Mosaics of Roman Britain Gallery
Information about Roman mosaics
Roman Mosaics: Facts and Information
Today (19.09.19) we became history detectives and worked in pairs to find out about the three different Roman ruling systems: kings, the Republic and emperors. Different pairs had to focus on one of these systems and find information outside that helped answer a sheet of questions. The pairs joined other pairs finding out about the same ruling system and checked their answers. We then went back into class and shared what each group had found out about the different ruling systems.
History Detectives
We started our topic on The Romans by acting out the story of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome. For more information about ancient Rome click on this link: Romans