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Stone Age Boy

This unit of work is based around the book 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura. The children will have a chance to read and listen to the story several times and engage with it through various drama and writing tasks. They will develop their vocabulary and grammar skills throughout the unit and by the end will plan their own story based on the structure of the book which they will then write, edit and present. 

Stone Age Boy Read by Memma The Cave Woman


In this unit of learning we are reading  a range of fables by various authors exploring dialogue and description through drama, debating moral messages and writing letters using extended sentences. Finally wewillwrite our own fables.

What is a Fable?

This is a quick lesson on what a fable is.

Animated Aesop's Fables :: Fox and Crow

The North Wind and the Sun: A Fable by Aesop


Aesop's Fables The Ant and the Grasshopper Short Film

Here it is! The short film "The Ant and the Grasshopper," based on Aesop's fable.
