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Wednesday 20th May 2020

Wednesday 20th May 2020

Hi guys,

I hope you are all ok, Mrs B and I will be calling you again this week and we can’t wait. We will call from a withheld number, so make sure you pick up as it’s us!

I just wanted to draw your attention to the Oak National Academy lessons again, if you wanted to have a go at any of them.

Have any of you tried any of your grid of Kindness Activities? It’s Mental Health Awareness week this week. Have a try at some of them, I think you will be surprised how much better it will make you feel, I think the first one I need to do for myself, is to have a good night sleep! I’ll try that one tonight! We received some lovely muffins at work yesterday so I know someone else has tried an act of kindness by baking something and leaving it outside of school (keeping a safe distance of course!) Thank you so much for thinking of us…they were yummy!


In Year 3 and when I had you in Year 2 we always spoke about what I believe are the three most important things in life. I wonder if you can remember what they are? If you can, maybe you could make a poster today and pop it in your window and maybe then other people will learn to be as amazing as you! Send me a picture if you do!

Now I know I always talk about the weather but wow…Summer has arrived, so make sure you get outside and enjoy it (safely).

I miss you and I look forward to speaking to you this week!

Mrs C
