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Topic Overview

This is our 'EXPLORE' term with a specific focus on Geography and Science.  In Geography we will be finding out about biomes, climate and natural disasters.  As we examine extreme habitats we will look at how human activity (human geography) is impacting the environment (physical geography).  Through our 'EXPLORE' learning we will try to answer our inquiry question: 'Can one person make a difference in the fight against climate change?'


In Science the children will be exploring evolution and inheritance.  They will look at how different living organisms have adapted to their environment over time and what the advantages and disadvantages are of these adaptations.  They will also find out what offspring inherit from their parents.



Our core subjects of Maths and English will be taught on a daily basis and the other core subject, RE will be taught weekly.  The children will also have a weekly RSE/PSHE lesson. Flip Theatre will be running a life-skills workshop weekly with year 6 until the 12th October.  For more information please see their website


I will be following the White Rose timetable for Maths.  By clicking on this link, 'White Rose' you will be able to see the topics and when we'll be studying them.  For English I'll be using a mixture of my own resources and those provided by Herts Essentials.  A focus this autumn in English will be 'Discussion'.


Each week the children will be doing two hours of PE: an hour with me and an hour with Matt.  In the first half of the autumn term we will be learning how to play cricket and developing our football skills.  In the second half I will be teaching invasion games.  We do not have a 'Forest School' session scheduled for this term however we will use forest school and outdoor learning to reinforce our class learning across a range of subjects when it is appropriate. I will send a message if we will be taking our learning outside. 


The children's learning has been summarised in school curriculum maps (you can find each map under each subject) which show progression across the school and knowledge organisers (KOs) which are specific to each class. 
