Year 3
Welcome back to the SUMMER TERM in Year 3. Hope you have all had a lovely and restful Easter break. This term is our CREATE TERM. Our focus for this term is ART and MUSIC, alongside Maths, English, Science, IT, RE and PE.
Below is a brief outline of this term’s learning and what we will be learning throughout the year.
Autumn Term
the EXPLORE term – focusing on geography and science
Spring term
the DISCOVER term – focusing on history and DT
Summer term
the CREATE term – focusing on art and music
Click here to have a look at our Summer Term plan
I can’t believe it is the summer term already! The time has passed by so quickly. I am hoping to get the children out into the sunshine as much as possible this term. We have a school trip to the Celtic Harmony Camp on Monday 22nd April 2024 and Bhaktivedanta Manor on Thursday 13th June 2024. Looking forward to this trip. Our two focused subjects for this term are Art and Music.
In Art, we will be searching for the artist within us; exploring and developing our drawing skills. We will be exploring line and tone with charcoal and pencils, still life drawing and how to create texture and exploring light and shadows within our drawings. We will start this term off by going on a call trip into Hertford and drawing what we can see in front of us. We will be looking at a range of artist and using their drawings/painting to create our own. In the second half of the summer term, we will be exploring paint, learning how to mix colours and what colours complement each other.
In Music we will be learning how to sing ballads and create pieces of music that tell stories. This will be taught by Mrs Botterman. In Science, we will looking at plants and flowers.
Every day, we will be learning Maths and English. In Maths, we will be focusing on fractions, shapes and capacity. In English, we will be finishing off our Egyptian Cinderella story and then focusing on fiction texts (instructions and newspaper articles). Mrs Botterman will continue to teach SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar).
In IT, we will looking at desktop publishing, creating PowerPoints using google slides. In RE Mrs Botterman continues to teach Hinduism.
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays this term. Every Friday mornings, we will be walking down to Hartham Leisure Centre for swimming. Please make sure all the children come to school with their swimming kits. Forest schools will be every Friday afternoons (weather permitted). Last term we couldn’t go out much into forest school due to the weather.
Mrs Botterman continues to teach every Thursdays and Mrs Eley our amazing teaching assistant is with us every day.
Spelling test – every Wednesday
Homework – times tables rockstars (10-15 minutes daily), reading (10-15 minutes daily) and spelling practise.
Click on the links below to see the curriculum maps and knowledge organisers for each subject as well as useful photos and videos that can support your child's progress.
I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break. Happy New Year
Below is a brief outline of this term’s learning and what we will be learning throughout the year.
Autumn Term
the EXPLORE term – focusing on geography and science
Spring term
the DISCOVER term – focusing on history and DT
Summer term
the CREATE term – focusing on art and music
Click here to have a look at our Spring Term plan
Our focus subjects which feed into the 'DISCOVER' theme are History and DT. In History the children will be exploring prehistory and Ancient Egyptians. They will be investigating aspects of the past through historical as well as art and technological skills. They will be learning about how people lived in the Stone Age through to the Iron Age and all the way through be trying to answer our discovery question 'Was prehistoric man stupid?' and backing up their answers with historical evidence. Our second enquiry question will be 'What can the dead tell us?' during our Ancient Egyptian topic. In DT we will be Hunter gatherers and will be finding out about the seasonal foods that grow in the UK. We will then hunt and gather our ingredients to make a seasonal 'Stone Age Stew' and possibly some bread. Throughout these tasks the children will also learn about food safety and hygiene as well as food preparation skills such as chopping and grating.
In science, our first half of the term, we will be looking at 'rocks' and during our second half of the spring term we will be looking at 'lights' and making shadow puppets. In computing, the children will be discovering a program called Scratch and they will also be looking at databases.
Our core subjects are Maths and English which will be taught every day. In Maths, we follow White Rose. The children will be learning times tables, measurements and fractions. In English, we are looking at poetry. We will be learning how to write our own instructions and diary entry based on a story called The Egyptian Cinderella.
We will have two hours of PE each week. Tuesday afternoon will be led by Matt and on Thursday afternoon it will be taught by Mrs Botterman. Mrs Botterman will also be teaching the children all day on Thursdays and we will have a lovely teaching assistant (Mrs Eley) every day with us. Forest school will be every Friday afternoons (weather permitted).
Click on the links below to see the curriculum maps and knowledge organisers for each subject as well as useful photos and videos that can support your child's progress.
Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 3
I hope you have had a lovely summer! I look forward to getting to know the children and there will be lots of learning taking place in our classroom.
Below is a brief outline of this term’s learning and what we will be learning throughout the year.
Autumn Term
the EXPLORE term – focusing on geography and science
Spring term
the DISCOVER term – focusing on history
Summer term
the CREATE term – focusing on art and music
Click here to have a look at our Autumn explore plan
In geography our inquiry question that we will be focusing on is ‘would you rather live in the north or south England?’
Using the atlas, we will be looking at the map of UK and
- Identify counties and cities around the UK
- Learn about geographical parts in the UK – hills, mountains, rivers
- We will focus on our home town (Hertford) and learn about human and physical features
In the second half of this term, we will be looking at the North England and comparing it to South England.
In science, we will be focusing on keeping healthy. We will be looking at humans and animals and discussing their diet, what they need to eat, and the amount they need to eat. We will also be looking at different food groups, discussing what a balanced diet is and create our own model of a balanced meal. To end this topic we will be looking at the human skeleton and finding out about different body parts and bones that help us to move, support and protect us. In the second half of this term we will looking at light and shadow.
In our weekly computing lessons, the children will looking learning about connecting computers and how do digital devices help us. In the second part of this term, we will be looking at animations and try to create our own. In RE this term, the children will be focusing on Christianity. In our weekly PSHE lessons, the children will be learning about families and friendship alongside feels and emotions.
Our core subjects are maths and English which will be taught every day. In Maths, we follow White Rose timetable. In English, we are looking at The Tin Forest book. We will be learning how to write a diary entry, letter writing, and poetry and book reviews. As well as developing their skills and knowledge in English, the children will learn about our environment.
We will have two hours of PE each week. Tuesday afternoon will be led by Matt and on Thursday afternoon it will be taught by Mrs Botterman. Mrs Botterman will also be teaching the children all day on Thursdays and we will have a lovely teaching assistant (Mrs Eley) every day with us.
Click on the links below to see the curriculum maps and knowledge organisers for each subject as well as useful photos and videos that can support your child's progress.