Owls & Hedgehogs
Over the past few weeks we have continued our learning about autumn. We have talked about the animals we might find in the woods and have focused on the stories, ‘Owl Babies’ and ‘The Helpful Hedgehog’. The children have enjoyed a range of art activities, lots of mark making, explored autumn scented play dough and have begun to explore Numicon shapes in Maths.
As part of our learning about Harvest Festival we were kindly gifted a range of vegetables which the children really enjoyed investigating. Some of the children planted the seeds and we talked about what they would need to grow!

Forest School
This week at Forest School we enjoyed hunting for mini beasts. We found lots of wriggly worms and talked about where they live and how to handle them carefully. Some of us were a little nervous to hold them at first, but after a little encouragement lots of us had a go at holding a wriggly worm in the palm of our hands! At the end of the morning, we listened to a story and warmed up with a cup of hot chocolate.