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Monday 27th April

Monday 27th April 2020

Good Morning Year 3!

I just wanted to thank you all, for coming to the Zoom on Thursday. We loved it! We will plan another one for this week. We will let you know when ASAP. This week we have LOTS of super challenges and activities for you to complete at home. Our English is based on The Boy at the Back of the Class and most of the other activities are around The London Marathon and Fitness. We hope you enjoy them. Please do keep sending us your work, we didn’t hear from some of you last week so make sure you email us at to show us what you have been up to.


Did you have a nice weekend? We went for a walk in our local woods, and there were caterpillars everywhere! We were covered in them, you couldn’t walk without walking into one, webs of caterpillars covered the woods. They were hanging down on silk and there were thousands! Have any of you seen any? I know Ava saw some in your local woods. I am going to go back this week and see if they have grown, they were quite tiny, but they do grow fast. I think they might actually be moths.


Just to let you know I have not deleted anything from the page, so if you would like to read any of our old blogs they are all down the bottom of the page in the Daily Blog sub page. The same goes for the weekly learning grids, if there was something you didn’t get to do, and want to go back, that’s absolutely fine too, so go back down the page under this week’s grid and they are all there still.


This week I am going to send you the spellings to learn and then upload the spellings test later in the week so you can do the test once you have learnt the words. This week’s spellings are:

Year 3 and 4

mention, medicine, material, height, island, disappear, natural, often, weight, strange


Year 1 and 2

one, any, many, pass, grass, class, every, everybody


Have a great day! Love Mrs C x
