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Spring Term

Week beginning 13th January

Our focus this week was all things transport! We thought about the different types of transport we know or have been on. We explored how some transport travels in the air, some on the road, some on tracks and some in the water. We learnt the meaning of the words ‘past’ and ‘present’ before looking at different photographs of transport and sorting them into two groups. We had lots of fun junk modelling this week with lots of different recycled materials. We made lots of different kinds of transport including cars, buses, planes and rockets. 

Week beginning 6th January

What a chilly week! We thought about our first Big Idea of the term this week, 'Can I have a pet penguin?'. We learnt all about penguins and polar bears, where they live, and what they do to keep warm. We shared the stories The Emperor's Egg and The Lights That Dance in the Night to find out more. We were also treated to some very chilly weather this week! We enjoyed spending time outside exploring the frost and the ice. We experimented with different ways to melt the ice we found, including finding out if hot or cold water melted it quickest, and add salt and flour to the ice to see which worked best. 
