Book Week
Week beginning 28th February
This week we were very busy with lots of exciting things happening! Our book of the week was 'The Gingerbread Man'. On Monday we made gingerbread people of our own. We measured the ingredients carefully, mixed them together and rolled out and cut the dough to make the people. We put them in the oven ready to decorate the next day. On Tuesday disaster struck! We came into school to find CCTV footage taken overnight of our gingerbread people running away from our classroom! Luckily our gingerbread people returned after lunch for us to decorate and eat - they were very yummy. We also used a text map to help us learn to retell the story of The Gingerbread Man.
This week we also got to meet Dash, one of Nursery's guinea pigs. Mrs McAllister showed us how to hold and stroke Dash very carefully.
Our final piece of excitement came with lots fun things to celebrate World Book Day. Each morning we were joined by another class to share stories together. On Friday we came to school in our pyjamas and our families came to read with us at the end of the day. We love sharing stories!