Thursday 7th May 2020
Thursday 7th May 2020
Hi there you wonderful children, I hope you are looking forward to a long weekend after working so hard all week. Well done to those of you who are sending in your times table results and moving forward, we know how important they are as they pop up in most of the maths we do!! It's definitely a time of what we call to be 'self driven', this means that you will hopefully make the right choices about learning because it must continue. There is so much variety on our class page, it's really up to you to choose what you want to do or you could even do something of your own choice and show case it to us. You don't have to be taught by a family member you could use bitesize or The Oak and guide yourself through it - like I said it's your choice.
Yesterday I was in work and I was greeted by Filip who put ice cubes down my back!!!!! I had a lovely afternoon albeit rather strange with so few children. Jed, whose Mum is a key worker, has been attending school most days and has learnt how to play badminton. In the beginning I had him running around all over the place but now he's fantastic, and he actually had me sweating as I ran around trying to return his well placed shots!! It was great to see the progression ! You should try this in the garden if you can get hold of a set.
I hope you have done the Makaton video, I must say I've seen Hadleigh and Phoebe's and they are just beautiful, really heart warming, so do have a go!! Closing date is Friday…
Ok, have a lovely weekend and try to watch some of the VE day celebrations on Friday, it will give you a good understanding and insight of what other people went through for US!
Thank you for all your lovely emails.
Mrs B