Year 2
This terms theme is Create. Our core subjects Maths and English will be taught on a daily basis.
In Art we will be looking at drawing and painting skills.
In Music we will be looking at Orchestral instruments. Children are introduced to the instruments of the orchestra and practice identifying these within a piece of music.
The children's learning has been summarised in school curriculum maps (you can find each map under each subject) which show progression across the school and knowledge organisers (KOs) which are specific to each class. Use the links below to take you to the KOs that will be being used in the Create term.
Our focus subjects which feed into the 'Discover' theme are History and DT. In History, the children will be exploring past events. They will be investigating aspects of the past through historical as well as art and technological skills. They will be learning to recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result. They will also learn how to identify differences between ways of life at different times and begin to understand and use historical vocabulary. We will begin by looking at life in 1666, with a focus on The Great Fire of London. In Design and Techology, we will be planning, making and evaluating Tutor house. We will also be making bread and other means from the time with in Food Technology. We will try to answer our discovery question -Did more good things or bad things come out of the Great Fire of London?
The children's learning has been summarised in school curriculum maps (you can find each map under each subject) which show progression across the school and knowledge organisers (KOs) which are specific to each class. Use the links below to take you to the KOs that will be being used in the Discover term.
This terms theme is Explore. Our core subjects Maths and English will be taught on a daily basis. Our English theme will link into our Geography topic this term.
In Geography we will be looking at the continents of the world, hot and cold climates and learning about Africa.
In Science we will be looking at animals and their habitats around the world. (Please look below for more information)
The children's learning has been summarised in school curriculum maps (you can find each map under each subject) which show progression across the school and knowledge organisers (KOs) which are specific to each class. Use the links below to take you to the KOs that will be being used in the Explore term.