Wednesday 29th April
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Hello my lovely class,
How was your day yesterday? Did any of you get your wellies on and go outside? I am missing the sunshine already! However, as Mrs B says, our flowers really need a drink so l just hope they get what the need and the sun comes out again quickly!
Yesterday, Jack sent in his fitness video, it was great. Well done Jack! It's in the gallery. Check it out and see if you can do it!Has anyone else done one? We would love to see them. We love all your incredible home learning and we love just hearing about what you have been doing.
Our next Zoom is Friday at 3:30pm. We are going to do a quick quiz. We will keep it short and sweet like last time, we just want to see your lovely faces and have a bit of fun. We hope you can come. (I will send the link via Marvellous Me on Friday morning)
One of the Year 3 parents sent me an online book, check it out here. It’s really interesting, it’s about acknowledging that at the moment we feel like we are missing out on things or being stopped from doing some of the things we really love. However, at the same time we are getting to do things that we never normally get the opportunity to do. This really rang true for me and my family, because, I am always rushing so much and we don’t actually get to spend much time together anymore. What I have appreciated most about this time, is the small things like all having dinner altogether every night, not rushing bedtime and we even did a puzzle as a family. These are the things I will take away from this time together. I have also been able to call friends who I haven’t spoken to in so long because everyone lives such busy lives. What will you take away from this time? In amongst all the sadness and the longing that we feel at times for normality, what will you remember about this time that will make you feel grateful? (Maybe it’s just not having to get dressed by 8am!) Take a moment to think about that today.
Oh and be good for your parents!