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Our Vision

At Hollybush Primary School aims are to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport.


Our whole school values of excitement, generosity, enquiring minds, kindness, courage and learning together will be embedded throughout our PE curriculum and will support our aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best with energy, creativity and a growth mindset.


We actively seek and listen to our pupils' voices and enquiring minds  provide them with a range of opportunities where they can learn together before, during and after school.  We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others as well as showing humility when celebrating their own successes, thereby showing kindness and generosity to the feelings of others.


At Hollybush our aim is to ensure that our delivery of physical education allows all children to be excited about their physical development and have the courage to develop the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary school, then leading into healthy and active habits for life.


Physical Education begins when pupils start in our Early Years Foundation Stage and are encouraged to develop their Physical Development through planned continuous provision activities and specific programmes which support and develop their fine and gross motor skills. Pupils develop core strength, co-ordination and balance to enable them to reach their Early Learning Goals.


The GetSet4PE scheme of work is used to support Physical Education throughout Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.  Pupils in Key Stage One are encouraged to continually develop fundamental movement skills and become increasingly competent and confident in a broad range of sports and activities.  Pupils in Key Stage Two are encouraged to continually apply and develop a broader range of skills and tactics, learning how to use them in different ways and link them to actions, sequences of movement and a variety of sports both individual and team based.. Pupils are taught how to enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other.


We strive to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices in a harmonious working environment, treating others how we expect them to treat us.  We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies and will continue to support our children’s well-being to enable independent decisions to aim high and be the best they can be.  We have strong links with local clubs and partnerships within our community to ensure that children and families receive the support and knowledge they need.



Get Set 4 PE Vocabulary Pyramids

