Maths Activities
Here are the maths activities for this week (wc 01.06.2020):
Here are the maths activities for this week (wc 18.05.2020):
Here are the maths activities for this week (wc 11.05.2020):
Here are the maths activities for this week (wc 04.05.2020):
This week (wc 27.04.2020), I've decided to upload all the Maths activities at the start of the week. This will allow you to look at the work in advance. In the 'resources' section I've put any materials the lessons refer to and additional websites that you and your child may find useful.
Friday 24th April 2020 - Factors
Today's maths work finding out about factors. We have done some work on this but it won't be a secure concept. This websites have some information about factors:
What are factors? (BBC Bitesize)
Factors (Maths is Fun)
Friday 24th April 2020 - Factors
Thursday 23rd April 2020 - Times Tables
Wednesday 22nd April - Equivalent fractions and decimals
Tuesday 21st April - Equivalent Fractions (tenths)
Monday 20th April 2020 - Equivalent Fractions
Friday 3rd April 2020
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Monday 30th March 2020
Friday 27th March 2020
Today, I would like you to have a go at some written division sums with remainders. Watch this short animation first: ‘Short division using written methods’. For more information about remainders have a look at Division and Remainders.
Division with remainders - 27.03.2020
Thursday 26th March 2020
Today, the maths activity is 'Written Multiplication'. I haven't taught these two methods: the grid method and the ladder method but they are good methods and you may find them helpful. Both methods are different ways of present regrouping/partitioning when multiplying a single digit by a 3-digit number. Have a go!
Written Multiplication
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Today you will be doing some learning on 'Fractions of Amounts'.
I've taught the children that if you have to find a unit fraction of an amount: 1/5 of 25, then you need to ask yourself how many 5s are in 25 = ?
If you need to find a fraction of an amount: 3/5 of 25, first ask yourself how many 5s in 25 = 5 and then multiply this by 3 - 5x3=15.
The work shows similar sums using a pizza and a bar model.
Fractions of Amounts
Tuesday 24th March 2020
I hope you were able to do yesterday's activity. Today is multiplying by 10 and 100. We've done quite a bit of this in class so this shouldn't be too tricky. Here is a helpful website which you might want to look at before hand:
How to multiply and dividing by 0, 1, 10 and 100 (BBC Bitesize)
Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100
Monday 23rd March 2020
Before starting today's activity you may want to have a look at these websites:
What are decimals? (BBC Bitesize)
Arranging numbers with decimal place (BBC)
Decimals (Maths is Fun)
23.03.2020 - Decimals on Number Lines
On this page I will be using resources from a teaching resource I have access to called Testbase. The maths questions I will send are all past SATs questions. I can filter the questions so that they are appropriate for Year 4 (the expected standard and above). Where possible I will provide a link for resources that can support you in answering the questions. You can either print the questions off (if you have paper and a printer) or you can write the answers in your purple book. After several days, I will upload the answers so you can check if you got them correct.
Questions (18.03.2020) - three Y4 expected standard questions.
These websites provide some useful information on Roman Numerals
- Roman Numerals (Maths is Fun)
- Roman Numbers (Primary Homework Help)