Lesson 4
Today you are going to investigate how you can change the shape of different materials through the four motions: stretching, bending, twisting and squashing.
Use the PowerPoint slides attached to take you through some examples and meanings of these terms in relation to materials.
Then, use the worksheet to guide you through your investigation. If you do not have some of the suggested materials at home – do not worry! Use what you have.
Lesson 3
For today’s science lesson Miss Tyler would like you to investigate as scientists to help her wrapping dilemma!
There is a video to explain your task and your worksheet has a written explanation if you prefer. The investigation and how to collect your results is also modelled on both but feel free to experiment in whatever way you wish or can at home to find your answer. All the materials are also suggestive, so do not worry if you do not have these available. Adapt and use what you have at home.
Can you help Miss Tyler by finding the best material for her dilemma?!