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Friday 24th April

Friday 24th April 2020

What a wonderful day yesterday was, not only did we celebrate Mrs Cracknell's birthday but we all got to see each other and remind ourselves that we've got so much to look forward to! Let's do the same thing each week and then we can celebrate more birthdays and have a good old chat! I think next week we could do a quiz but no cheating and asking your family members for answers!!!

The duck's name has been decided by Hetty and it is now called Mrs Quacknall which was thought up back Jack - we must be very careful not to get the names mixed up between the duck and Mrs C :) I will save the other names for the ducklings if they hatch.

You've managed to do another week of home learning which is fantastic, you really are doing well and we know that sometimes you don't feel like doing work but at other times you may do more than your parents expect you to. Also it's great that some of you are doing your own thing such as Cassidy who is writing a story!

Don't forget to do a pebble of hope and place it at the school gates for everyone to see. And also do let me know your x table results then I can move you forward!

You've worked so hard this week that we've decided to give you two days off   

Enjoy the sunshine when you go on your daily walk, we are so proud to be your teachers, you really are amazing, all of you!

Mrs B  x
