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  • Harvest Festival

    Mon 30 Sep 2019

    This year our Harvest Festival is at 2pm on Wednesday 9th October and we would like to invite Grandparents to this event.

    Each year group will sing a harvest song and we will have a guest speaker.

    At Hollybush, we strive to ‘live’ our school values and Harvest Festival it is a perfect time to think about people who need some help from others. We will be living our Kindness and Generosity values by asking children to bring in donations for the Hertford Food Bank. We have contacted the Food Bank and they have asked for these items, if possible. However, whatever you have would be very kind and generous.


    Small jars of instant coffee

    UHT milk

    Long life fruit juice

    Tinned tomatoes

    Packets of instant mash potatoes

    Jars of chilli

    Curry or sweet & sour cooking

    Tinned meat

    Tinned peas or carrots

    Tinned spaghetti

    Tinned ready mixed custard

    Tinned rice pudding

    Tinned fruit

    Small packets of sweet biscuits

    Cooking oil

    Washing up liquid

    Shaving foam in spray cans

    Deodorant/ antiperspirant

    Baby wipes


    Thank you so much in advance for anything you can donate!

  • We are now recycling baby pouches with Terracycle!

    Fri 20 Sep 2019

    We are now part of scheme called Ellacycle which works with Terracycle to recycle baby food pouches, baby food caps and baby food snack packets. Not only are you helping the environment, but the waste you recycle with us also helps to fund schools or charitable organisations. We have a collection box by our nursery door so please help us to fill it up!

  • Richard Hale football tournament

    Fri 23 Mar 2018 Mrs Lawson

    This afternoon, 8 Hollybush boys from years 5 and 6 took part in a football tournament at Richard Hale School, Hertford.  They played in 7 official games but we couldn't resist accepting an 8th friendly against Millmead at the end of the afternoon!


    We were so proud at how well all the boys played.  Abe was voted Captain and, after each round, gave some great tips to his team- sometimes changing positions to make a stronger formation for the next round.  The boys were anxious before playing some of the teams which they claimed were stronger but after a draw against Bengeo, their confidence grew.  


    Charlie scored a fabulous goal in the first game and we saw some excellent saves by Abe.  The boys showed great camaraderie and support for each other, as well as the teams they played against.  At the end of the afternoon, we had: lost a few matches (but only by a goal difference), drew in several and won one.  Abe was unanimously declared 'Man of the match'.  A special thanks to Mrs Horlock who was declared honorary team coach but mostly well done to the team who did Hollybush and themselves proud today!

  • Hollybush participates in 'International Women's Day'

    Fri 09 Mar 2018 Miss K Chandler

    Nine Hollybush girls were lucky enough to be selected to take part in the 'International Womens day' event at Lee Valley today. As part of this celebration, pupils were invited to rake part in rafting down the rapids, alongside other girls- of various ages- from other schools within Hertfordshire and North London.

    Feelings ranged from nervous to excited as they prepared for the challenge and after the struggles of getting each other into the tight wetsuits, the safety briefing began. The session on water began with gentle paddling and learning techniques and instructions on the calm waters of the Kayaking lake; it was then time for the safety trial. A rather exhilarating leap into the freezing rapids- to demonstrate their ability to float and swim- certainly took their breath away but they all passed with flying colours. 

    The groups then took to the water for the rafting and squeals of laughter could be heard all around the site! The rather bouncy rafts took to the waters, some gracefully and others in a haphazard way! The girls all demonstrated their new found skills- down, right, left, paddling forwards and backwards- and thoroughly enjoyed their session of over two hours, in the fast-flowing rapids. Hot showers were much appreciated by all, following the rather chilly conditions and much talk of trails and tribulations followed!

    A 30 minute, inspiring talk about women in sport then followed from a British team freestyle kayak champion 'Lowri Davies' and the girls were excited to hear of her: travels, background and her inspiring words of encouragement. It was great for the girls to feel empowered as well as have this great experience.

  • Dance festival 2018

    Thu 22 Feb 2018 Miss K Chandler

    Wow...what a performance!

    The dance club enjoyed performing to packed audiences this week at Hertford theatre as part of the Hertford and Ware dance festival on the theme of 'Night at the movies'. Boys and girls from years 3,4,5 & 6 performed their Aladdin 'One jump ahead' dance with enthusiasm, smiles and excitement and certainly made the most of their two performances at the theatre, both on Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon, alongside other local schools. The children looked so colourful in their costumes and their smiles beamed while they played the parts of: guards, hareem dancers, street rats, markets sellers and not forgetting Aladdin, Jasmine and Abu, the monkey! 🐒

    The children have been working hard over the last month, attending a weekly club and enjoying building the dance to tell the story of Aladdin in the market place- as always, they performed well and couldn't wait to do it all again!

    The school love taking part in this really valuable experience, allowing children to work collaboratively across the year groups, forming friendships and gaining confidence in performing at a real theatre, on a large stage, in front of an audience. We thank the sports partnership group for putting this event together each year and look forward to next years theme...keep dancing! 💃 🕺 

  • Kindness Day

    Sat 13 Jan 2018 Miss K Chandler

    Hollybush kick started their new 'Kindness' value this week with  Kindness day on Monday. The whole school had the opportunity to work in different classrooms, with different teachers, trying out 'kindness' themed activities. 

    These were organised under the themes of:

    Kind to ourselves, kind to our environment, kind to each other and kind to our community and activities ranged from: a fitness session, planting 120 trees in the grounds, tidying up the school grounds, creating kindness cards, painting kindness rocks (for our Kindness rocks garden), making kind caterpillars and bees, kind hands artwork and creating friendship hands.

    The children had a fun day and later on in the week, a group of children went around the local community posting our kindness cards through houses and presenting bunches of flowers as random acts of kindness ( kindly donated by Tesco). These were all greatly received by local residents and workers - residents at Carlton houses even asked us for a song!

  • Hollybush choir opens our annual Christmas Fayre.

    Mon 04 Dec 2017

    On Sunday 3rd December the Hollybush choir opened the Christmas fayre with a collection of Christmas carols, some classic, some with a fun twist, all very merry!  All sung angelically and certainly welcomed in the festive season.  Well done to the children and Mrs Kenway for all their hard work.  It looked like you had as much fun performing as we did listening!

  • Meeting an Olympian at Lee Valley Water Centre

    Thu 14 Sep 2017 Miss K Chandler

    Some children from Y5 & 6 were lucky enough to get the chance to have a day out at Lee Valley Water Sports Centre where they got to meet and Olympian and have a go at Kayaking!

    We arrived at the amazing centre and after a bite to eat, had great fun watching people trying the rapids course in rafts, kayaks and canoes - getting thoroughly soaked and exhausted!

    After a guided tour of the site, from a former GB World Champion, where we learnt so much about: the site, the course, the difference between canoes and kayaks and some other amazing facts; we were then taken to meet Joe Clarke - a gold medalist from Rio 2016 who trains at the centre! He talked to the children about his career and really enthused them about sport and having a passion.

    After all of that, we donned our life jackets; had some simple instructions and then headed out onto the open 'flat' water to try our hand at kayaking...with many amazing results! The children soon got the hang of it and played many games on the water whilst perfecting their skills and then many of them enjoyed a 'dip' in the water to finish!

    Thank you Lee Valley for an amazing day- think we may have some champions of the future for you!

  • FOHS fun afternoon

    Wed 19 Jul 2017 Miss K Chandler

    Friends of Hollybush School PTA gave the children a wonderful fun afternoon on the field as a treat. Different activities were set up including: a bouncy obstacle course, danceathon, penalty shoot out, volleyball, parachute games, stacking cups and not forgetting...the children's favourite (and the adults)...the ice cream van!

    Plenty of laughter and fun was heard as the whole school, in separate classes, enjoyed moving around the activities.

    Thank you to all of the FOHS helpers and School staff for setting this up and running the event.


  • Rock Steady Concert

    Mon 17 Jul 2017 Miss Chandler

    The whole school and parents were treated to the long awaited Rock Steady concert this week. For 8 weeks, the children have been disappearing from lessons to attend their Rock Steady classes with their teacher and the final groups collaborated in assembly to show us all what they had been working hard on.

    Each group performed their own song with children on: guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and vocal to cheers and claps from the participating crowd!

    What fabulous talents these children showed and the determination and enjoyment on their faces was a delight for all to see!

    The O2 or Wembley arena awaits...
