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  • Richard Hale football tournament

    Fri 23 Mar 2018 Mrs Lawson

    This afternoon, 8 Hollybush boys from years 5 and 6 took part in a football tournament at Richard Hale School, Hertford.  They played in 7 official games but we couldn't resist accepting an 8th friendly against Millmead at the end of the afternoon!


    We were so proud at how well all the boys played.  Abe was voted Captain and, after each round, gave some great tips to his team- sometimes changing positions to make a stronger formation for the next round.  The boys were anxious before playing some of the teams which they claimed were stronger but after a draw against Bengeo, their confidence grew.  


    Charlie scored a fabulous goal in the first game and we saw some excellent saves by Abe.  The boys showed great camaraderie and support for each other, as well as the teams they played against.  At the end of the afternoon, we had: lost a few matches (but only by a goal difference), drew in several and won one.  Abe was unanimously declared 'Man of the match'.  A special thanks to Mrs Horlock who was declared honorary team coach but mostly well done to the team who did Hollybush and themselves proud today!

  • Hollybush participates in 'International Women's Day'

    Fri 09 Mar 2018 Miss K Chandler

    Nine Hollybush girls were lucky enough to be selected to take part in the 'International Womens day' event at Lee Valley today. As part of this celebration, pupils were invited to rake part in rafting down the rapids, alongside other girls- of various ages- from other schools within Hertfordshire and North London.

    Feelings ranged from nervous to excited as they prepared for the challenge and after the struggles of getting each other into the tight wetsuits, the safety briefing began. The session on water began with gentle paddling and learning techniques and instructions on the calm waters of the Kayaking lake; it was then time for the safety trial. A rather exhilarating leap into the freezing rapids- to demonstrate their ability to float and swim- certainly took their breath away but they all passed with flying colours. 

    The groups then took to the water for the rafting and squeals of laughter could be heard all around the site! The rather bouncy rafts took to the waters, some gracefully and others in a haphazard way! The girls all demonstrated their new found skills- down, right, left, paddling forwards and backwards- and thoroughly enjoyed their session of over two hours, in the fast-flowing rapids. Hot showers were much appreciated by all, following the rather chilly conditions and much talk of trails and tribulations followed!

    A 30 minute, inspiring talk about women in sport then followed from a British team freestyle kayak champion 'Lowri Davies' and the girls were excited to hear of her: travels, background and her inspiring words of encouragement. It was great for the girls to feel empowered as well as have this great experience.
